Friday, May 2, 2025
- 12:00 PM1hLet's Talk with SHaWStudents who may benefit from attending a Let's Talk: Mental Health Office Hours session include:Students who want help connecting to resources but are unsure where to begin Students who are looking for advice on a non-clinical issue Students who are unsure about therapy and are curious about what it is like to talk to a therapist Students who may have concerns about the mental health of a friend and seek advice on how to support their friend If a student is not an imminent risk, and is refusing your support in contacting our office, you may also consider contacting the UConn Student CARE Team ( Providers rotate weekly on Fridays! Check out more of our mental health providers here ( Please note: Drop-in hours are quick 15-20 minute sessions and do not require scheduling or adding to your calendar.
- 1:00 PM1hCAM Journal Club: Dr. Sarvenaz SarabipourCAM Journal Club Speaker: Dr. Sarvenaz Sarabipour Title: "Heterogeneity in VEGF Receptor-2 Mobility and Organization on the Endothelial Cell Surface Leads to Diverse Models of Activation by VEGF" Via Webex: (
- 1:00 PM1hCAM Presentation: Dr. Sarvenaz SarabipourCAM Presentation Speaker: Dr. Sarvenaz Sarabipour Title: TBD Via Webex: (
- 2:30 PM1hLet's Talk Online with GracielaStudents who may benefit from attending a Let's Talk: Mental Health Office Hours session include:Students who want help connecting to resources but are unsure where to begin Students who are looking for advice on a non-clinical issue Students who are unsure about therapy and are curious about what it is like to talk to a therapist Students who may have concerns about the mental health of a friend and seek advice on how to support their friend If a student is not an imminent risk, and is refusing your support in contacting our office, you may also consider contacting the UConn Student CARE Team ( This session is held by Graciela Quinones-Rodriguez, LCSW ( Please note: Drop-in hours are quick 15-20 minute sessions. Please call to schedule an online timeslot and to receive the link.