26th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology (Online Format)
Feb 24, 2025 12:00 AM | The 26th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will take place online on February 24-28, 2025. It is designed to enable cell biologists and biophysicists to develop models of their experimental systems. We will teach how to use VCell (https://vcell.org/ (https://vcell.org/)), COPASI (https://copasi.org/ (https://copasi.org/) ) and SpringSalad (https://vcell.org/ssalad (https://vcell.org/ssalad)) software to develop spatial and non-spatial models using deterministic, stochastic, agent- and rule-based approaches. Please check the websites for extensive tutorials and examples of models. The course includes introductions to VCell, COPASI, and SpringSaLaD, presented by their developers and by modelers. The workshop will include a combination of plenary sessions, invited speakers, and advanced tutorials convenient for audiences across the globe. Participants will have an opportunity to get "hands-on" help developing models in support of their research. Throughout the 5 days, there will be one-on-one sessions with experienced modelers designed to help with your projects. To participate in these sessions, please email the following information to Dr. Michael Blinov blinov@uchc.edu (mailto:blinov@uchc.edu), by January 15, 2025: your name, institution, lab head (if you are a student), and 1-2 page proposal outlining your research project and modeling needs. If you already know, please describe how VCell, COPASI, and/or SpringSaLaD may help your project. This information will allow us to determine if our software is applicable to your project. As a NIH Biomedical Technology Resource, we are charged with supporting NIH-funded research through collaborative projects. Registration is free and will be available later. Organized by the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine (UConn Health). Instructors: Michael Blinov, Ann Cowan, Stefan Hoops, Leslie Loew, Pedro Mendes, Ion Moraru, Jim Schaff, and Boris Slepchenko.