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UConn Hartford Dean's Series | Hispanic Serving Institutions

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 11:45 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Location
    Hartford Public Library (Hartford)
  • Description
    Hispanic Serving Institution Lunch  What does it mean to be an HSI? As an Emerging-HSI, how can UConn Hartford best serve its Hispanic students and community? "Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined in Title V of the Higher Education Act as not-for-profit institutions of higher learning with a full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate student enrollment that is at least 25 percent Hispanic." During community conversations held in the spring, we heard from students, staff, and faculty that there is a need to continue to gather and learn together. In response, we have developed this new series that brings our collective experience and knowledge to bear on issues concerning the histories and roles of the university and society. Centering students and the residents of Hartford, the UConn Hartford Dean's Series on the University and Society is a series of workshops and presentations where the community meets to examine the present and imagine possible futures of the university. In the pilot semester, the Series coordinated three events focused on activism, the student vote and the 2024 election, and post-election actions. After popular demand following the Series launch with three workshops in Fall '24, we added two more to Spring '25 - this being the 5th and final session for AY '24-'25.Administered and funded by the UConn Hartford Dean's Office, the Series is also connected to ongoing community conversations (2x/month) to allow sustained, critical reflection, refinement, and deeper inclusion.Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly for lunch. Program begins at 12:10 p.m. with lunch available beginning at 11:45 a.m.This is an HonorsEvent. See tags below for categories. #UHLevent11030
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  • Categories
    Community Outreach, Conferences & Speakers, Cultural Centers & Programs, Health & Wellness, Student Activities

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