UConn Hartford Dean's Series | Hispanic Serving Institutions
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 11:45 AM – 2:00 PM
- LocationHartford Public Library (Hartford)
- DescriptionHispanic Serving Institution Lunch What does it mean to be an HSI? As an Emerging-HSI, how can UConn Hartford best serve its Hispanic students and community? "Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are defined in Title V of the Higher Education Act as not-for-profit institutions of higher learning with a full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate student enrollment that is at least 25 percent Hispanic." During community conversations held in the spring, we heard from students, staff, and faculty that there is a need to continue to gather and learn together. In response, we have developed this new series that brings our collective experience and knowledge to bear on issues concerning the histories and roles of the university and society. Centering students and the residents of Hartford, the UConn Hartford Dean's Series on the University and Society is a series of workshops and presentations where the community meets to examine the present and imagine possible futures of the university. In the pilot semester, the Series coordinated three events focused on activism, the student vote and the 2024 election, and post-election actions. After popular demand following the Series launch with three workshops in Fall '24, we added two more to Spring '25 - this being the 5th and final session for AY '24-'25.Administered and funded by the UConn Hartford Dean's Office, the Series is also connected to ongoing community conversations (2x/month) to allow sustained, critical reflection, refinement, and deeper inclusion.Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly for lunch. Program begins at 12:10 p.m. with lunch available beginning at 11:45 a.m.This is an HonorsEvent. See tags below for categories. #UHLevent11030
- Websitehttps://events.uconn.edu/uconn-hartford/event/684678-uconn-hartford-deans-series-hispanic-serving-institut
- CategoriesCommunity Outreach, Conferences & Speakers, Cultural Centers & Programs, Health & Wellness, Student Activities
More from Hartford Campus
- Apr 912:00 PMCritical Teaching Behaviors Book Club - HartfordWhat does "good teaching" mean, and what does it look like? Perhaps you have grappled with this question, either as an educator seeking to improve your own teaching practice or as a colleague asked to assess the teaching of others. This book club is for you! Join us to explore an evidence-based guide to effective teaching and learning! In this book club we will examine teaching effectiveness through the lens of the CTB framework of high-level behaviors that can be adopted and adapted to individual instructor and disciplinary context. More practically, it relies on evidence that can be observed by peers, leans on student feedback, and one's own reflective narrative of teaching effectiveness. Discover equitable and inclusive strategies, participate in productive conversations centered around teaching and learning, and access a toolkit of resources to apply from day one. The book offers a holistic method of documenting and assessing teaching effectiveness by including a variety of evidence and perspectives to both develop teaching skills and demonstrate achievements in promoting student learning. Each session is framed around the questions, "What do we know," "What do we do,", and What do we show?" and will focus on: -Identifying behaviors of good teaching -Reflecting upon the teaching behaviors already in practice -Implementing research-based, effective teaching behaviors across each of the six CTB categories -Documenting teaching behaviors -Conducting and/or reflect on peer observation -Collecting and/or reflect on midterm feedback -Using a core value statement to purposefully select and frame evidence of effectiveness in a coherent teaching narrative Location: Hartford Times Building (HTB) Room 209 Time: 12-1pm Dates: February 5 – Kickoff to meet the facilitators and pick up the book February 12 – Align components of learning experiences to defined outcomes February 19 – Midterm Student Feedback using GIFT February 26 – Include for student diversity by utilizing accessibility standards March 5 – Peer Observation adapted to your needs March 26 – Engage students purposely to encourage active participation in the learning process April 2 – Assess through meaningful and transparent techniques and feedback April 9 – Integrate Technology using tools to provide access to high quality instructional materials April 16 – Reflect/Identify Core Values to explore opportunities for growth April 23 – Creating a Narrative of Teaching Effectiveness You can sign up for individual sessions or the entire series! Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/BSh3Pff4BA (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.office.com%2Fr%2FBSh3Pff4BA&data=05%7C02%7Ckim.schwarz%40uconn.edu%7C3de52d7402404c08828a08dd2f53da2d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C638718762309081675%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ukeT9tJ8OnpbP%2BNZHY4Pb%2B9XGkBwPVeA55o4tkhi9Pg%3D&reserved=0)
- Apr 119:00 AMEarth Day ConferenceUConn Law's Annual Earth Day Conference 2025 asks the question, "What is the future of environmental policy in a changing legal environment?" Join an array of legal, scientific, and policy experts to discuss the future of climate science, federal and state policy, and, of course, the law. Where do we go from here on a planet worth fighting for?Our conference convenes policymakers, regulators, scientists, scholars, and activists across disciplines, across states, and across nations to chart our course forward. The panels will analyze obstacles and emphasize opportunities for action and optimism in the coming years. The Conference will feature a multi-media exhibit where students, artists, and other members of the community can share pieces that inspire them to action. 8:15 AM - Registration begins8:45 AM - Welcome and Opening Remarks 9:00 AM - Keynote byRobert Percival Keynote speaker Robert Percival, leading scholar and professor in environmental law, will offer his perspective on the current moment in environmental policy, highlighting where we have been and sharing a vision for the future. 9:50 AM - Panel #1:Climate Change and Gun Policy: Hard Problems & the Law After Loper Bright Climate change and gun policy represent two of the hardest problems that agencies and experts face. Recent Supreme Court cases, from Loper Bright to Cargill, have created doubt about the utility of agencies in dealing with challenging issues. The experts on this panel will tackle those issues. Speakers:Jennifer Dineen (https://publicpolicy.uconn.edu/person/jennifer-dineen/)Michael Fitzpatrick (https://www.brunswickgroup.com/michael-fitzpatrick-i25155/)Josh Galperin (https://www.pace.edu/profile/josh-galperin)Douglas Letter (https://www.bradyunited.org/about-us/our-team/brady-leadership/douglas-letter)Tanya Schardt (https://www.bradyunited.org/about-us/our-team/experts/tanya-schardt) Moderator: Professor Joseph MacDougald (https://law.uconn.edu/person/joseph-a-macdougald/#:~:text=Biography-,Joseph%20A.,the%20Energy%20%26%20Environmental%20Law%20Society.) 11:10 AM - BREAK 11:20 AM - Keynote byDelta Merner Keynote speaker Delta Merner, a lead scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, will provide an update on current climate science and share how this science affects policy and the law. She will offer attendees a scientific and technical understanding of where we are and where we are headed. 11:45 AM - Panel #2:International Environmental Policy in a Time of Political Change The third panel will analyze obstacles and opportunities for the United States to support international environmental policy. Speakers will look beyond the Paris Climate Agreement to explore ways we can stay involved in environmental policy across nations. Speakers:David Azoulay (https://www.ciel.org/about-us/ciel-staff/david-azoulay/)Stacy VanDeveer (https://www.umb.edu/directory/stacyvandeveer/)Delta Merner (https://www.ucsusa.org/about/people/delta-merner) Moderator: Paschaline Poku (https://law.uconn.edu/person/paschaline-poku/) 12:45 PM - LUNCH 1:30 PM - Panel #3:State Responses to a Changing Federal Landscape The final panel will chart obstacles and opportunities at the state level, looking for a path forward. Speakers will discuss policymaker and activist work in Connecticut and beyond. We will begin with introductory comments from Katie Dykes, the Commissioner of the CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Speakers:CT DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes (https://portal.ct.gov/deep/about/commissioner/commissioner-katie-dykes---biography)Denise Stranko (https://www.savethesound.org/about-us/our-staff/denise-stranko)Michael Myers (https://www.pli.edu/faculty/michael-j.-myers-i918908)Ethan Elkind (https://www.law.berkeley.edu/research/clee/about/people/ethan-elkind/) Moderator: Denise Stranko (https://www.savethesound.org/about-us/our-staff/denise-stranko) 3:00 PM - Closing remarks and ice cream social If you require a reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Law School at 860-570-5079 or via email at law.studentservices@uconn.edu at least two weeks in advance.
- Apr 1612:00 PMCritical Teaching Behaviors Book Club - HartfordWhat does "good teaching" mean, and what does it look like? Perhaps you have grappled with this question, either as an educator seeking to improve your own teaching practice or as a colleague asked to assess the teaching of others. This book club is for you! Join us to explore an evidence-based guide to effective teaching and learning! In this book club we will examine teaching effectiveness through the lens of the CTB framework of high-level behaviors that can be adopted and adapted to individual instructor and disciplinary context. More practically, it relies on evidence that can be observed by peers, leans on student feedback, and one's own reflective narrative of teaching effectiveness. Discover equitable and inclusive strategies, participate in productive conversations centered around teaching and learning, and access a toolkit of resources to apply from day one. The book offers a holistic method of documenting and assessing teaching effectiveness by including a variety of evidence and perspectives to both develop teaching skills and demonstrate achievements in promoting student learning. Each session is framed around the questions, "What do we know," "What do we do,", and What do we show?" and will focus on: -Identifying behaviors of good teaching -Reflecting upon the teaching behaviors already in practice -Implementing research-based, effective teaching behaviors across each of the six CTB categories -Documenting teaching behaviors -Conducting and/or reflect on peer observation -Collecting and/or reflect on midterm feedback -Using a core value statement to purposefully select and frame evidence of effectiveness in a coherent teaching narrative Location: Hartford Times Building (HTB) Room 209 Time: 12-1pm Dates: February 5 – Kickoff to meet the facilitators and pick up the book February 12 – Align components of learning experiences to defined outcomes February 19 – Midterm Student Feedback using GIFT February 26 – Include for student diversity by utilizing accessibility standards March 5 – Peer Observation adapted to your needs March 26 – Engage students purposely to encourage active participation in the learning process April 2 – Assess through meaningful and transparent techniques and feedback April 9 – Integrate Technology using tools to provide access to high quality instructional materials April 16 – Reflect/Identify Core Values to explore opportunities for growth April 23 – Creating a Narrative of Teaching Effectiveness You can sign up for individual sessions or the entire series! Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/BSh3Pff4BA (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.office.com%2Fr%2FBSh3Pff4BA&data=05%7C02%7Ckim.schwarz%40uconn.edu%7C3de52d7402404c08828a08dd2f53da2d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C638718762309081675%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ukeT9tJ8OnpbP%2BNZHY4Pb%2B9XGkBwPVeA55o4tkhi9Pg%3D&reserved=0)
- Apr 1712:00 PMI Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for ICE CREAM
- Apr 177:00 PMHartford Yard Goats Game TicketsLet's go to the ballpark! Join us for a night of baseball as the Hartford Yard Goats take on the Portland Sea Dogs. UConn Hartford Undergrads sign up to get your FREE ticket now (tickets will be distributed the week of the game!). You are responsible for your own transportation to Dunkin Park.
- Apr 2312:00 PMCritical Teaching Behaviors Book Club - HartfordWhat does "good teaching" mean, and what does it look like? Perhaps you have grappled with this question, either as an educator seeking to improve your own teaching practice or as a colleague asked to assess the teaching of others. This book club is for you! Join us to explore an evidence-based guide to effective teaching and learning! In this book club we will examine teaching effectiveness through the lens of the CTB framework of high-level behaviors that can be adopted and adapted to individual instructor and disciplinary context. More practically, it relies on evidence that can be observed by peers, leans on student feedback, and one's own reflective narrative of teaching effectiveness. Discover equitable and inclusive strategies, participate in productive conversations centered around teaching and learning, and access a toolkit of resources to apply from day one. The book offers a holistic method of documenting and assessing teaching effectiveness by including a variety of evidence and perspectives to both develop teaching skills and demonstrate achievements in promoting student learning. Each session is framed around the questions, "What do we know," "What do we do,", and What do we show?" and will focus on: -Identifying behaviors of good teaching -Reflecting upon the teaching behaviors already in practice -Implementing research-based, effective teaching behaviors across each of the six CTB categories -Documenting teaching behaviors -Conducting and/or reflect on peer observation -Collecting and/or reflect on midterm feedback -Using a core value statement to purposefully select and frame evidence of effectiveness in a coherent teaching narrative Location: Hartford Times Building (HTB) Room 209 Time: 12-1pm Dates: February 5 – Kickoff to meet the facilitators and pick up the book February 12 – Align components of learning experiences to defined outcomes February 19 – Midterm Student Feedback using GIFT February 26 – Include for student diversity by utilizing accessibility standards March 5 – Peer Observation adapted to your needs March 26 – Engage students purposely to encourage active participation in the learning process April 2 – Assess through meaningful and transparent techniques and feedback April 9 – Integrate Technology using tools to provide access to high quality instructional materials April 16 – Reflect/Identify Core Values to explore opportunities for growth April 23 – Creating a Narrative of Teaching Effectiveness You can sign up for individual sessions or the entire series! Registration link: https://forms.office.com/r/BSh3Pff4BA (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.office.com%2Fr%2FBSh3Pff4BA&data=05%7C02%7Ckim.schwarz%40uconn.edu%7C3de52d7402404c08828a08dd2f53da2d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C638718762309081675%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ukeT9tJ8OnpbP%2BNZHY4Pb%2B9XGkBwPVeA55o4tkhi9Pg%3D&reserved=0)