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Students Invited to Go for Gold at the 2024 Experience Innovation Expo

'Everyone can be an innovator. The only prerequisite is having an alternative, creative view or idea'

Whether they realize it or not, everyone is an innovator, according to Emily Wang ‘25 (ED).

“If you have ever thought to yourself that you could make a product or a way of doing something better, you were subconsciously innovating,” Wang says.

Because innovation isn’t just limited to those who see themselves as entrepreneurs or creators, says Julia Herzner ’26 (CLAS) – it’s about problem solving, thinking critically, and trying new things.

Which is why Wang, Herzner, and their team of student organizers are encouraging all UConn undergrads – regardless of their experience or program of study – to take part in the 2024 Experience Innovation Expo: Four for the Win on Monday. October 14, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom.

First launched in 2018, the Experience Innovation Expo has evolved – and changed names – over the years, but the Expo’s goal has remained the same. The event offers a one-stop, student-driven shop where undergrads can get first-hand experience from their peers about programs, centers, events, clubs, organizations, and opportunities within the realm of innovation at UConn.

“The number of activities and student-run projects on this campus is incredible, but with such a large campus and so much going on, few understand all the potential projects available to them,” says Christopher Sindoni ’26 (BUS). “Whether seeing these projects inspires creativity and innovation in a student to create something of their own, or gives them the drive and opportunity to take part in another impactful project, the ability to see what comes from the determination of UConn students is important.”

Sponsored by the Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the Expo is one of four signature events in the University’s Month of Discovery, which is held annually to help students connect with opportunities for enrichment, research, innovation, and creativity throughout the month of October.

A nine-member student committee, led by Wang, has overseen the planning, logistics, content, and marketing for this Experience Innovation Expo, which this year will have a “Four for the Win” Olympics theme.

“With the Olympics taking place this past summer, we wanted to pay homage to all the hard work and dedication that went into putting on such a large-scale event,” explains Wang. “The Olympics represents the union of the five continents meeting through athletics; the Expo is the union of organizations on campus through innovation and entrepreneurship.”

Students attending the Expo will be invited to “take a victory lap” around the Student Union Ballroom and explore the four quadrants of innovation at UConn, including:

  • Learn, with academic offerings and courses;
  • Create, including hands-on activities with the Innovation Zone Makerspace and Innovate Labs;
  • Connect, with clubs and resources to help students explore their ideas; and
  • Explore, by discovering programs that provide resources – including financial – to help pursue ideas.

“I believe that some of the highlights for students attending this year’s event will be the connections they form, particularly with the organizations we’re working with and the like-minded individuals they’ll meet,” says Ryan Wong ’28 (CAHNR). “We’re excited that our event will create an environment that encourages networking, allowing relationships to take a life of their own after our involvement.”

The Expo will also feature raffle prizes, and attendance counts toward Discovery Quest, the month-long challenge aimed at encouraging students to earn Discovery Points as they learn about all UConn has to offer in the fields of research, innovation, and creativity.

The student organizing team hopes UConn students, regardless of major, will join them for a day of building community, creating connections, and celebrating creativity in its many forms.

“Everyone can be an innovator,” says Yuttichai Sommala ’25 (CLAS). “The only prerequisite is having an alternative, creative view or idea. You’ll find out at the Expo that innovation exists in all forms and opportunities – and hopefully you will find something you will stick with until the time of your graduation.”

“I think everyone has a little bit of creativity in them,” says Aaron Rosman ’16 (CAHNR) ’21 MBA, the operations manager for the Werth Institute and advisor for the student organizing team, “and I think the hardest part about being a student, or a person in today’s society, is that there’s so many options to pursue but they are scattered about. Very seldom is there one spot where you can just browse, be in the moment, and experience all of your options, rather than having to self-select and try to find them on your own.

“I think that’s the benefit of the Expo. We bring it all to you, and it’s a great, friendly, no risk, no judgment environment to just let loose and be creative for the day.”


In addition to Wang, Herzner, Sindoni, Wong, and Sommala, the student organizing team for the 2024 Experience Innovation Expo includes George Ji ’27 (ENG), Abigail Koval ’26 (BUS), and Gianna Fiore ’26 (BUS).

The Experience Innovation Expo is a free event for UConn students. For more information about events happening throughout UConn’s Month of Discovery, visit

To learn more about educational, networking, and entrepreneurial opportunities available through the Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, visit