- Feb 1212:00 PMSeñorita Sweets: Candy Grams!
- Feb 1212:00 PMWednesday Mindfulness Basic Classes at UConn WaterburyWednesdays 2/5-26, 12-1:15 in Room WREC 204 This introductory class teaches practical skills to manage stress and enhance overall wellbeing. The small group format creates a supportive environment where you can create a habit of using the skills on a regular basis. Students who complete the class report feeling less stressed, more mindful, experience less self-judgment and sleep better! (It's also a great resume builder!) Pre-registration is required as space is limited.Register at https://s.uconn.edu/mindful12825 (https://s.uconn.edu/mindful12825) for this IN PERSON WEDNESDAY class. This class meets weekly on the Waterbury Campus; all UConn students are welcome. *The Mindfulness Basics class is offered 4 times during the Spring 2025 semester. Each version is weekly for 4 weeks. While you are strongly encouraged to attend the full 4-week class, you can receive Honors Event credit for a single class, according to the following:Class 1 = #UHLevent11019Class 2 = #UHLevent11020Class 3 = #UHLevent11021Class 4 = #UHLevent11022 You may not receive Honors Event credit for going to the same class twice.
- Feb 1212:30 PMLunch and Learn Seminar: Grad School Insights"Lunch and Learn Seminar: Grad School Insights" is an interactive one-hour event where graduate students share their personal research journeys and the experiences that inspired them to pursue graduate school. This engaging session provides undergraduate students at UConn Waterbury with a unique opportunity to hear firsthand accounts of the challenges, successes, and valuable lessons that shaped their paths. This is an Honors Event. See tags below for category information. #UHLevent11023
- Feb 1212:30 PMSweet SerenityMake tasbihs, indulge in chocolates, and unwind with friends with the Muslim Student Association in our Sweet Serenity event! All are welcome!
- Feb 1212:30 PMWrite Yourself A Love LetterJoin us for a heartwarming and reflective event where you'll write a love letter to yourself. This guided experience is all about self-love and self-compassion, encouraging you to appreciate your unique journey and celebrate your accomplishments.
- Feb 121:00 PMCriminal Law Society GBM & ElectionsGeneral Body Meeting & 2025-2026 Elections
- Feb 121:00 PMSweetheart Studio
- Feb 121:00 PMUConn Women's Tennis vs QuinnipiacView Women's Tennis' full schedule. (https://uconnhuskies.com/sports/womens-tennis/schedule)
- Feb 121:30 PMLet's Talk Online with GracielaStudents who may benefit from attending a Let's Talk: Mental Health Office Hours session include:Students who want help connecting to resources but are unsure where to begin Students who are looking for advice on a non-clinical issue Students who are unsure about therapy and are curious about what it is like to talk to a therapist Students who may have concerns about the mental health of a friend and seek advice on how to support their friend If a student is not an imminent risk, and is refusing your support in contacting our office, you may also consider contacting the UConn Student CARE Team (https://studentcareteam.uconn.edu/). This session is held by Graciela Quinones-Rodriguez, LCSW (https://studenthealth.uconn.edu/person/graciela-quinones-rodriguez/) Please note: Drop-in hours are quick 15-20 minute sessions. Please call to schedule an online timeslot and to receive the link.
- Feb 122:00 PMGetting to Conferral: Doctoral DegreesThis session will discuss the Office of the Registrar's degree audit process for doctoral (Ph.D.) students. Degree Audit staff will share auditing terms and timeline, degree requirements, the master's on the way process, and the dissertation submission process. Time will be available at the end of the session for participants' questions.FACILITATOR: Jenn Horan, Doctoral Degree Registrar Specialist See more about all Timely Topics offered by The Graduate School. (https://grad.uconn.edu/timely-topics/) Please register (https://uconn.kualibuild.com/app/6669c239e126cf013bb99773/run) to receive a Webex link for this event.
- Feb 122:30 PMIZone Closed Workshop
- Feb 122:30 PMMacroeconomics Seminar: Chiara dal Bianco
- Feb 122:30 PMSara Holland Levin Doctoral Dissertation Proposal DefensePlease use the following link to join the WebEx meeting: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m32d6fc2ad649ca78f7f4cc1990963257 (https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m32d6fc2ad649ca78f7f4cc1990963257) Kristine Nowak, Ph.D. Department of Communication, Major Advisor Jiyoun Suk, Ph.D., Department of Communication, Associate Advisor Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Ph.D., Department of Communication, Associate Advisor Abstract The rise of social media has presented a fundamental shift in the gatekeeping process, which refers to the role of journalism in selecting key stories and language to shape the information narrative. According to agenda setting theory (McCombs & Shaw, 1972), traditional news media sources set the political agenda for a given day by choosing the most relevant stories, in turn impacting the salience of those issues. But today, social media have fundamentally changed this process, offering political elite users like politicians, media personalities, and celebrities who discuss politics the ability to influence the agenda. This means that a new set of sources may be setting the agenda by influencing the framing, selection, and salience of stories to their followers, resulting in fragmentation of information. Though existing literature points to use of polarizing language as well as exclusion of key stories among political elites and especially the political right, this new information pattern on social media is not well understood. This dissertation takes a computational approach to compare the agenda setting influence of traditional news media sources to political elite sources. Using Meta Content Library and API, Instagram and Facebook posts from news media sources as well as political elites will be gathered and analyzed to understand who is setting the agenda and whether they differ in their framing and issue selection across both conservative and liberal sources. A topic content analysis will be conducted to explore differences among these groups, and a text analysis will be conducted to explore the degree to which each type of source uses politically polarizing language (e.g. threat, fear, lie) to appeal to their followers. Cross-platform differences are also analyzed. Implications for theory and the spread of disinformation on social media are explored.
- Feb 122:30 PMWorkshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT)This session is for F-1 students who will do an internship or work off-campus before graduating, or for students who have internships and clinical placements as part of your academic curriculum. All internships, work and placements off-campus must be authorized through Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), even if unpaid and required for your class or program. If you are considering a future off-campus work opportunity or placement, you are required to attend this workshop before you apply for CPT or Pre-Completion OPT with ISSS.
- Feb 123:00 PMHeadshots Walk-In Business Career Development OfficeDrop-In to the Business Career Development Office for a Headshot. Most Wednesdays during the regular semester NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Email recruit@business.uconn.edu with any questions . We will use your smartphone with our professional back drop. Wear business attire from the waist up.
- Feb 123:00 PMTriennial Cycle for Program Assessment ReportingJoin the academic program assessment fellows for this informational session about the change from an annual assessment report to a triennial cycle. This session will discuss the different years of the cycle and the deliverables for each. The session will also provide individual academic programs with suggestions for their activities this year. This is designed for academic program leaders and faculty who are working on or interested in program assessment.February 12, 3:00-4:00 Register - https://fins.uconn.edu/secure_inst/workshops/workshop_view.php?ser=3274 (https://fins.uconn.edu/secure_inst/workshops/workshop_view.php?ser=3274)
- Feb 123:00 PMUConn Women's Lacrosse vs Fairfield - Faculty/Staff MVPView Women's Lacrosse's full schedule. (https://uconnhuskies.com/sports/womens-lacrosse/schedule)
- Feb 123:00 PMWriting Center Workshop: Writing IntroductionsIntroductions help draw readers in, provide a sense of a project, and, most importantly, summarize key questions and arguments. This workshop will explore the conventions of effective introductions (for articles, dissertations, and more) across disciplines, as well as guide attendees through reflecting on and applying the introduction conventions of their own fields. If you're interested in this opportunity, please RSVP by February 11th.Webex invitations will be sent out the day before the meeting. This is an honors event. See tags below for category information.#UHLevent11069
- Feb 123:30 PMUCHI Fellow's Talk: Jesse Olsavsky on Pan-AfricanismA research talk by UCHI visiting scholar Jesse Olsavsky (Assistant Professor of History, Co-Director of Gender Studies Initiative, Duke Kunshan University) on his project, "In the Tradition: The Abolitionist Tradition and the Routes of Pan-Africanism," with a response by Janet Pritchard.
- Feb 124:00 PMBORDERLAND | The Line Within - Human Rights Film+ SeriesAbout the FilmBORDERLAND | The Line Within (https://borderland.skylight.is/) is a documentary that explores the reality that the United States border is not just a geographic location. The border is everywhere. It lies within every undocumented immigrant family with the threat that at any moment they can be captured, incarcerated, deported; their lives destroyed. The film not only exposes the profitable business of immigration and its human cost, but weaves together the stories of immigrant heroines and heroes resisting and showing a way forward, intent on building a movement in the shadow of the border industrial complex, recognizing the human rights of all. Following a screening of the film, we're thrilled to be joined by filmmakers Paco de Onís and Pamela Yates for a post-show discussion moderated by El Instituto's Anne Gebelein. Join us after for a catered reception in the Dodd Lounge. Watch the Trailer About the FilmmakersPaco de Onís and Pamela Yates – Producer and Director of BORDERLAND. Paco is the Executive Director and Pamela is the co-founder of Skylight, a human rights media organization dedicated to strengthening social justice movements through cinematic storytelling and catalyzing collaborative networks of artists and activists. In many ways BORDERLAND brings the saga of Skylight's Guatemala trilogy–When the Mountains Tremble (1983), Granito (2011), and 500 Years (2017)–full circle back to the U.S. From the impact of U.S. foreign policy that backed brutal regimes leading to the root causes of migration, to the present situation of mass migration from Central America. Our Sponsors This event is supported by the Human Rights Film & Digital Media Initiative (https://humanrights.uconn.edu/areas-of-focus/film-digital-media/), a collaborative venture between the Department of Digital Media & Design and the Dodd Human Rights Impact Programs at the Gladstein Family Human Rights, as well as UConn's El Instituto (https://elin.uconn.edu/) (Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies).
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